First Steps Spring Catalog
Hi All,
Publishing a book is just plain hard work. Writing the story is only the first step of the journey. In order to have a quality finished product, it takes many hands and eyes!! I’m always amazed at how many times my team of editors can read a story and still we miss edits. The brain is an amazing organ, in that it so often “fills in the blanks” as we read. We could be so lucky with critics…HA! I will be releasing The Rusted Scalpel this summer and one of my Beta readers (thanks Lynne) called in tears of laughter. She read me this line from The Rusted Scalpel:
“Nick suspected the latter swayed the decision as Maggie would often admire the shoes and smile. All he knew for sure was that with her native back hair and olive skin, she looked like a princess herself.”
Oh, what a difference that one little “l” makes…from back to black!! The image makes me laugh out loud!
All that brings me to First Steps Publishing and Suz Fyhrie Parrott. Suz, more than anyone, deserves so much credit for the beautiful books released, from her beautiful artwork, design, and guidance. I thought I would share First Steps Spring Catalog so you could see some of her amazing work. Suz, you’re the best!!
Hope you all are having a wonderful spring!!
It is a pleasure to work with such a wonderful author. Thank you for the mention!
This book spoke to my heart.
Hey Lois,
I so glad. Thanks for letting me know.
Many blessings to you…Tim
I enjoyed all 3 books and I can’t wait for the next one.
Hi Sherry,
Thank you so much. I so appreciate your encouragement! If you would do me a favor and write a review on Amazon…it’s just such a huge help to a new author.