I’m wearing a t-shirt today that says: Life is not Easy. Life is not Perfect. Life is Good. How true that is for us today. We lost our wonderful dog, Bear to a twisted gut. Never saw this coming today. But this is life, yes? Didn’t I just write in my last blog: “We are […]
Read MoreHe is Risen! Happy Easter to you all! What a strange Easter this is. Julie and I celebrated communion alone with each other. No kids or grandkids around, no Easter baskets or chocolate bunnies for us. Definitely, no dressing up in our Easter finest or church service with raised voices of Alleluias. At least I got dressed today and even put on clean jeans! Since watching a Maundy Thursday service over Facebook live, acknowledging Jesus’s suffering on Good Friday, contemplating the mystery of the Harrowing of Hell, and now celebrating His glorious resurrection, I sense a most profound time in all our lives. A story that has had a significant impact on me this Holy Week has been one of the shortest, but consistently told Keep Reading
NOBODY, ANYBODY, ANTIBODY: Well…that’s my feeble attempt at humor in this mind-numbing season of [...] Keep Reading
Be encouraged today! Social distancing and isolation are working to slow down the march [...] Keep Reading