Why do I Write?
Hi Friends!
So often I am asked why I write. My friend, Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott (publisher, author, speaker) asked me this question for First Steps Publishing’s Fall issue of Publishing Insider. When my back is sore from sitting hours upon hours, and I’ve worked on the same chapter for a couple of days trying to get it right—sometimes, it’s good to have a reminder!
I found this prayer in one of my journals the other day that I had written down as I began my writing journey years ago:
My Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that my writing reflects You. That it brings You glory.
That it points people toward You.
Let that prayer be just as true today as it was back then!
Love you guys!

I have just finished Maya Hope and Tree of Life. I enjoyed them both emencially.
I read a lot of Christian novels, but so much of the time I can guess the plot in the first chapter. Your books keep me guessing, and keep me up at night reading them. My husband is a retired scrub tech and worked with an arthropod he liked and admired. I think he will enjoy these books also. Thanks for your time and efforts in writing these books.
Hey, Echo…thank you SO much for your encouragement. I loved hearing from you.
I send many blessings back to you and your husband!
Have a wonderful Christmas…Tim